FOMO doesn’t live here

11 Jan


I’m still thinking about the conversation I had yesterday with my buddy Bonginkosi Siphesihle Mthembu about growing up, success, aspirations and life in general. Its true, one decides how he wants to live his life, what he wants to achieve and what are his priorities.

My success and the next person’s will never be the same, we all want different things. So don’t define your success based on what society says. If you want to sit at home and read, take the taxi or train to work, have a job that doesn’t pay much but you are passionate about because it fulfils your every desire. Hey that’s your success.

Not everyone wants to be all glam in a mansion driving the latest model. To some people success is the simple things we tend to overlook. A lot of people have found themselves battling mental problems and financial ruin as a result of pursuing what society defines as success. As if this was lesson enough; more and more people find themselves battling FOMO because if it is not expensive, glamorous and super cool it is not a measure of success and your life sucks.

I find it quite ironic in a world where almost everyone is on about how unique they are, that its common for people to actually define success as having all the same same things and achievements that the next person has. Why ca’t success be defined by the individual, and in defining your own success why can’t you do that without being judged or being looked down upon because what you define as success is not what is the ” norm”?

So what is success to me? Give me love, a pile of books, music, a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back, a healthy body and having made a difference in at least one person’s life. That’s all I want in life. It may come across as unambitious, but I am successful according to my own standards because I have all these things.

FOMO doesn’t live here

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Posted by on January 11, 2015 in Uncategorized


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